Your Children's Mother
Mother's Day is a special day in which we celebrate our Moms and all they did for us growing up. For those of us who are Moms, we often celebrate our mothers because we now know what they endured raising us. After all those years of wondering why our mothers did what they did we finally have a realization of the truth, being a Mom is the most challenging thing you will ever do. But I want to address this post, not to children but to fathers. I once had a man say he did do anything for his wife on Mother's Day because she is not his mother. I wasn't sure exactly how to respond to this at first. I mean that is not an inaccurate statement but it didn't quite sit right with me. Then it dawned on me why. No, your wife is not your mother, obviously, but she is still worthy of celebration on Mother's Day. Your wife willing gave up so much to bring your children into this world. Her body has endured the trials of having another human being share i...