
Showing posts from March, 2015

Harmful or Harmless Entertainment; the 50 Shades Argument

If you have been anywhere outside your home or watched television in the last couple of years, I am sure you are familiar with the books in the "50 Shade of Grey" series.  I know that I have heard about these books, and sadly now the movie, from friends, family, co-workers, and even perfect strangers in the store.  The books have been referred to as "romance" but in reality, they are not at all romantic, they are pornography.  Now, I know many people see pornography as containing actual images of naked people engaged in sex acts, but if you have ever read a "steamy romance" you know that reading about sex acts can invoke the same feelings as viewing pornography. I will go as far as to say that reading books such as 50 Shades of Grey, etc., is not only the same as viewing pornography, it is adultery.  Of course, I know some of you just said to yourselves that I am stretching it a bit but I don't think so.  However, before I get into the reasons for my...