
Showing posts from November, 2013

Thanksgiving: More Than Just One Day a Year

A Little Bit of Bible Back Ground I love Thanksgiving.  I think it would be safe to say that it is my favorite day of the year filled with lots of good food, family, and wonderful childhood memories.  I love the smells of turkey, mash potatoes, gravy, and pumpkin pie as it mingles in the air and I love to eat!!  I love that we, as American's, set aside an entire day to be thankful but have always thought it odd that it was just one day!  One day to remember all that God has done for us, when the Bible says we are to be " Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 5:20).  Now, I am not saying there is anything wrong with setting one day aside for praising God, even in the Bible they had a special celebration for giving thanks.  The Jewish celebration was known as the Feast of Booths and lasted 8 days rather than one, but the premise is very similar (Zechariah 14:16-20).  During this Fea...

Time Out!

This past Sunday we had a pretty vicious storm pass through our area and though no tornado touched down we had straight line winds as high as 70 mph.  The result of the straight line winds was major damage to some businesses and homes as well as power outages.  Most of our town, including our neighborhood, was out of power for nearly 48 hours.  Many people found themselves fleeing to hotels or to relatives homes in cities that did have power.  Others took shelter in facilities set up by the Red Cross.  We, however, stuck it out at home without any electricity for 26 hours until my husband was able to borrow a generator from a friend at work who had power.  Even after the generator was hooked up and turned on we still had limited use of electronics. If you have children you are probably aware that this situation of no power had the potential of turning into a nightmare for Mom and Dad.  However, I am glad to say, that this was not the case.  On M...

Are we missing the point: Lessons from Jonah and Jesus

Looking at Jonah The story of Jonah and the whale is one that is very well known to Christians and is taught at a young age in Sunday Schools and Bible Schools all over the world.  We are all familiar with the attempt to run from God, the storm, Jonah getting tossed over board and being swallowed by a whale (the Book of Jonah actually uses the term Big Fish). We know how Jonah prayed for three days in the belly of that whale and was spewed out onto dry land, and finally headed to Nineveh.  And we are also familiar with the many lessons this portion of Bible history has to teach us but I would like to focus on how the book of Jonah ends and how it relates to some problems of modern day.   What's Wrong with This Guy If your Bible is divided with category headings like some digital Bibles, you will likely find the heading Jonah's Anger and God's Kindness written above Jonah 4.  This is a very appropriate title considering the chapter begins with Jonah compla...