
Crushed by Love

I have been a Christian for nearly as long as I can remember.  I attended Sunday School with my Grandparents most Sundays from the time I was very young, so I am more than familiar with what Christ did for us on the cross on the day we now call Good Friday.  I have read the accounts of Jesus' crucifixion hundreds of times and watched The Passion of Christ in all its painful detail.  Despite all this I found myself crushed by something I heard on the radio this morning. It wasn't really a song as much as a verbal telling of all Jesus endured between His arrest and death on the cross.  We know that Jesus was beaten and mocked, He was spit on and scorned, and at last He was nailed to the cross between two thieves like a common criminal.  But how often do we stop to think about what that really entailed?  I can only speak for myself, and to be honest, I don't think about it very often.  It isn't a pleasant thing to think on, that Jesus, the only perfec...

Answering the Call in Latvia

Luke 10:2  Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly  is  great, but the labourers  are  few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Back in April I was listening to WCSG on the radio like I do every morning.  On that morning the DJs were talking about a mission trip to Latvia through Orphan Outreach and I thought "Wow, how often do you hear about mission trips to Latvia" and wouldn't have given it much more thought except that God had begun to whisper to me. What was He whispering?  "Go to Latvia."  And by the end of the week, that whisper was a shout "GO!"   I have always admired missionaries and people who traveled to foreign countries to spread God's Love but had never in a million years thought God would want me to go.  I mean, me, of all people!  How could or would God ask me to go when I am so unsophisticated and such a horrible public speaker?  Me,...

A Letter to My Daughter

Dear Azure, It is hard to believe that tomorrow will be your 19th birthday!  And though 19 years may seem a long time to some to me it feels like only yesterday that you came into our lives so small, frail, and quiet. It is a day that is forever etched into my mind and my heart.  I can still see your tiny little eyes squinting against the glare of new light, feel your soft new born skin as the doctor placed you on my chest.  And I still long for you.  I long to hold you in my arms and kiss your tiny little brow and there are days my very soul aches for you. When I go out and see mothers with their daughters shopping or driving in the car next to me, I often wonder what our relationship would have been like.  Would we have been close?  Would you have enjoyed some of the same things I do?  But I never ask if you would have grown up to be beautiful, because that I already know you would have been the most beautiful girl in the world, at least in my ey...

Godly Women Need Godly Women: I am so blessed!

Today as I was leaving work I got a message from my older sister that our 96 year old Grandmother was in the hospital with pneumonia.  Fortunately, I work within a few miles of the hospital so I was able to stop by on my way home.  As I stood in the room talking with my Grandma, Uncle, Aunts, and cousin, I was taken with the thought that I am tremendously blessed.  Many people my age have already lost their parents and I would say most no longer have living Grandparents.  I grew up not only having a relationship with all of my Grandparents but I was blessed enough to know two of my Great Grandmothers.  But that is not where the blessings stop (obviously).  My now 96 year old grandmother, was a huge part of my life growing up and it was she who was a leading force when it came to my relationship to Christ. My grandmother made sure my brother, sister, and myself went to church during our childhood.  It was grandma who took us to Vacation Bible School a...

It's Not Happily Ever After

I generally don't post two blogs in the same weekend or even in the same month but going to my little sister's engagement/house warming party yesterday got me thinking about all the other soon-to-be or recently married couples and what I would say to them after almost 19 years of marriage.  I know that the world is full of advice about how to have a successful marriage and many fairy tale ideas of what a "perfect" marriage looks like.  But I want to be perfectly honest and hopefully not give quip advice that will only lead to delusions about what marriage should be like. 1. Marriage is not 50/50.  The idea of marriage being 50/50 chafes my mind like a tight pair of jeans chafe my legs.  If you go into marriage with the idea that you only need to give 50% effort, you will be grossly disappointed.  When you go into marriage you should go in with the idea that you need to put 100% of yourself into the success of your marriage but you should also be aware that the...

Politics: How Christians are reacting is NOT how God wants us to.

My Mom always told me that if you want to keep your friends, you don't discuss religion or politics, in this post I was I plan to break that rule.  First, I am confident that if my readers are my friends, they will still be my friends after reading this.  Second, I feel this really really needs to be addressed.  You see every time elections roll around, I am often at a loss to explain why my fellow believers are behaving as they are.  We, who have chosen to follow the example of Christ, to remove ourselves from the behavior of a sinful world, are behaving as badly as the "liberals" we so claim to dislike.  Politics has the ability to bring out the worst in us and make enemies of friends.  It is the sadly reality of the "them vs. us" type of mentality that many of my fellow believers have yet it is not the example that Christ gave us. Politics has existed since man first established societies and people have been drawing a line in the sand just as long. ...

Could We Just Stop: Remembering in Peace

Tomorrow marks the 15th anniversary of the tragic events that occurred on September 11,2001.  It is a day that changed how we live.  We went from feelings of "safety" to wondering when the next terror attack was going to take place.  We now have a a Terror Alert system, second guess holding any large public event, have been involved in two different wars (one of which we are still involved in) and began living in a sort of "paranoid" bubble.  Though many people will say the world has gone back to normal but research has shown that we, in fact, are no where near what we called "normal" 15 years ago. There is little doubt that September 11, 2001 had a profound impact on our lives and the future of our nation.  Today however, the tragedy of that day has become political fodder and fuel for a never ending battle between conservatives and liberals.  On the one hand we have those who believe that all Muslims who live in the United States or wish to end the U.S...